Friday, April 12, 2013

Human Immigration in Evolution

Human Immigration in Evolution
(We do not know how to live here)

When humans emigrated from Europe to North America their initial survival depended on their learning from those natives already here how to survive in this place. Later they were able to bring such numbers that they could convert the land to what they were used to in Europe and thus continue their old  practices, laying waste the waterways, and the soil and air and destroying the local life.

It’s clear in evolutionary time, the  human immigration onto planet earth after a few millennia, ceased to learn how to live here from those already here, the wolves and others, for example, who had been successful here for many millions of years. The humans that we have become do not know how to live here. Do not know how to survive here, any better than Franklin knew how to survive in the Arctic, and moreover refused out of stupid pride to learn from the wolves and the Eskimos.

We will only survive by losing our stupid pride, admitting we do not know how to live here, and looking to the animals once more as our guides and teachers.

Donato April 12  2013

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