Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Not a choice to be good

Islamophobia in the USA

“On March 18, a student in Pine Bush High School near New York City recited the American Pledge of Allegiance in Arabic. This was done as part of the school’s Foreign Language Week, which was conducted to celebrate the “many races, cultures and religions that make up [the US and the Pine Bush] School District.”

One would expect the multicultural and cosmopolitan American society to appreciate such gestures. However, the reactions to the recitation of the Pledge in Arabic spoke otherwise: the language in itself was described to be meant for terrorists, and associated with Islam. Such bigotry once again highlighted everything that is wrong with USA: xenophobia, racism, ignorance, violence and above all, Islamophobia.”  quote from Sufyan bin Uzayr

My reflection:
It is not the USA that is bad and mean and wrong, not that beautiful landscape and all its creatures. The human condition itself contains all the adjectives he uses against the USA, including all their opposites, of generosity, open-heartedness, tolerance, compassion, acceptance of others. Nothing and no person is bad or good, just that they are thus. Thus things are thus and just so (flowing within the Tao, the Te of natural justice), that flower that monkey that crying baby that revenge seeking person… All strange and familiar wonderful and fearful.  Of course when we have choice we will try to steer in the direction of what we call good. But our perspective is small and immediate and biased by all our programming, our humanity. Imagine going to my garden and seeing that the plants need water. I take some to them. I call that good. But, if I could control the rain, would I call it good to do so? How can I know whom or what I harm by my choice of weather? Better to just take what I get. And when I choose, I choose from my knowledge and my heart, and then wait to see what comes, without being addicted to the outcome I envisaged. No one can foresee the result of any action. Just to choose and go with the flow, witness the path to the next choice…what will be will be…

I have no choice to be labelled bad or good in any circumstance, only to to do the best I can. Trust my own personal morality, my own awareness and intuitions, accepting what comes, and extending the same welcome to others who follow their own morality, not necessarily that of the majority, of the unaware herd.
 Donato Cianci

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