Monday, April 30, 2012

Confront or Companion?

I often write of the beauties of natural life and friendships. I am as often upset with our society's ignorance of healthy connections with the earth and dull indulgence of food and consumerist addictions, eroding habitat for all of life on the planet. I see that each of us forms our own beliefs. We may borrow them from others, but we choose them. So I am not in charge of other's beliefs, or actions. Everyone is subject to some "herding" instinct. Everyone belongs to a group that offers comfort in numbers, in "belonging", especially in times of chaos and uncertainty.  So when I confront that other's belief or statement or action, I better remember I am confronting a whole group, most of whom are not present… Not much chance of success, better try to walk with that person a while, see if we can find some overlap in our groups…Nice place to go for some quiet time...

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