Monday, December 30, 2013

How to be content…Donato’s formula

How to be content…Donato’s formula

To immediately end all discontent, unhappiness, anxieties or depression you may be suffering from is simple. Imagine, no, decide, you will live for a thousand years. Immediately, you will see you have plenty of time, no time pressures at all now. Also, you have seen all this before, and it will certainly repeat, so why get upset? Just let it go. Relax and enjoy the moment, there will be plenty more like this… You don’t believe you will live a thousand years? Just because you can’t remember doing it? That it might be what you are doing right now, without knowing it? No matter what, just like you don’t recognize the moment you go to sleep,  you won’t recognize the moment of your death, if it does come. So, it will be as if you had lived a thousand years. NO worries!!!

Donato Dec. 30  2013

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